Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Waffle Cone

Beginilah nasib kalau lagi flu tapi craving for ice cream!

Cukup tau diri untuk ngga menyentuh yang dingin2 tapi teteup mau sama waffle cone-nya...hahahaha! (diultimatum sama pumpkin, boleh ngemil 2 waffle cone setelah minum 2 pil mutivitamin). Mudah2an aku ngga dianggap manusia aneh karena lebih doyan waffle cone-nya daripada ice cream-nya sendiri...hihihi! Kalu menurutku, waffle cone itu cocok disegala cuaca, mo winter ato summer teteup enak dinikmati, with or without ice cream... :) Crunchy alias kriuk kriuk! LOL

Ini resep waffle cone dari nancy kitchen, kpingin bikin kapan2 kalau udah punya cetakannya...heheheh! Sementara ini beli dulu waffle cone yang udah jadi di supermarket :)

PS: Aku udah pernah ngerasain waffle cones ter'enak didunia dooong (sok teu). Waktu liburan ke gold coast, ada toko ice cream yang menjual waffle cones fresh... Fresh banget dari panggangan, bikin-nya di bagian depan toko, sampe jadi tontonan orang2 yang mau surfing. Seru! Kayak atraksi. Udah gitu ukurannya guedeeee banget! Makan satu ajah udah puwaaas :)

Waffle Cones

3 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted butter, cooled
2 Tablespoons vanilla (I used real vanilla and felt that this is what gave the cones their great flavor.
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup all purpose flour


1. Beat eggs while gradually adding in sugar a little at a time. Beat until smooth. Add the cooled melted butter and vanilla. Mix well.

2. Next stir in the baking powder and flour until dough is a slightly sticky consistency. Drop this dough by heaping tablespoons onto a hot oiled waffle cone maker. Close lid and heat about 30-40 seconds. (I found there was no need to spread the dough out across the surface of the cone maker. When the lid closed, the weight of the lid spread the dough out perfectly).

3. After 30-40 seconds, roll the hot cone onto the roller to form the cone. Pinch the end of the cone together while hot to seal it shut. (I also made waffle cone bowls which was easier. I removed the hot, flat waffle cone from the cone maker with a spatula and immediately placed it onto an small upside down custard bowl, pressing the sides down slightly to form a bowl shape. Remove the cone bowl after a minute or so when cone has cooled enough to set the shape).

1 comment:

  1. hemm,....jadi pegen bikin krna ad resep na...hemm
