setelah dicari, ketemu en dibeli :) inilah dia penampakan sang 'copha'

Kalau menurut wikipedia, copha dideskripsikan sebagai:
Copha, a registered trademark of Peerless, is a form of vegetable fat shortening made from hydrogenated coconut oil. It is 100% fat, at least 98% of which is saturated. It also contains Soya Bean Lecithin. It is popular in Australia where it is used in many foods for children, such as chocolate crackles, made from Rice Bubbles, copha, and cocoa powder.
Copha is only produced in Australia, but there are many suppliers of hydrogenated coconut fat in various forms worldwide. It is a necessary ingredient in traditional Australian treats such as Chocolate Crackles and White Christmas, and a "chocolate coating" on baked goods that amounts to a rather waxy form of compound chocolate.
Resep asli bilang, adonan kelapa + copha-nya dicetak diloyang, berhubung ngga punya loyang persegi yang pas buat masukin adonan, akhirnya aku bulet2'in aja deh, jadi kayak bakso! huahahah! Setelah selesai dibulet2 :D aku masukkan ke dalam kulkas supaya tetap beku.
Jum'at malam aku bawa ke pengajian, karena rasanya yang dingin-dingin empuk en manis (pas banget dimakan pas udara panas kayak gini) langsung ludes dalam sekejap. Pumpkin ngaku makan 4 butir (padahal di rumah udah ngabisin 3!), trus si mark, teman ngajinya pumpkin ngabisin 5 sekali makan... huahahha! Katanya siiih, mengingatkan makanan masa kecil. ya iya laaah... wong itu emang cemilan buat anak2, tapi kok yang ngabisin malah orang dewasa! wakakaka!

Coconut Ice Copha
(dari majalah good taste edisi desember 2009)
Ingredients (serves 8)==> karena aku ngga dicetak di loyang, dibulet2 hasilnya jadi buanyaaak banget, ngga keitung... :)
125g copha
250g desiccated coconut
500g pure icing sugar, sifted
2 egg whites, lightly whisked
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 drops red liquid food colouring
1. Line a square 20cm (base measurement) cake pan with non-stick baking paper, allowing it to overhang the sides.
2. Melt the copha in a small saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat and set aside for 10 minutes or until cooled to room temperature.
3.Combine the coconut and icing sugar in a large bowl. Add the copha, egg white and vanilla extract, and stir until well combined.
4. Divide coconut mixture in half. Press half the coconut mixture over the base of the prepared pan. Add the red food colouring to the remaining coconut mixture and stir until well combined and evenly coloured.
5. Spread the pink coconut mixture over the mixture in the pan and smooth the surface. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 1hour or until set.
6. Remove the coconut ice from the pan. Use a sharp knife to cut into 16 small squares to serve.
Notes & tips
You can make the coconut ice up to 1 day ahead. Store in an airtight container out of direct sunlight. Copha is a solidified coconut oil that gives recipes a subtle coconut flavour.
dimana ya bisa beli copha ??? ada gak produk yang lain selain copha yang komposisinya sama seperti copha ? mohon infonya, :)